A is for Atlanta

Last time I posted about a forty-eight hour getaway (blog post “Mix It Up: 48Hr Getaway, Florida”), I was pregnant with Naomi. Skylar was 2 and Maverick was 1 and the country was just starting to open up after Covid. My husband had a long weekend and we decided to fly to Fort Lauderdale, Florida for sandy toes and a breath of fresh air. I was eager to do something different with the kids and change up the scenery, but was not ready to travel abroad with regulations only starting to lift.

This time, I needed a 48-hour getaway, and initially, was planning to bring our newborn Zuri wherever I would decide to go. Forty-eight hours is the perfect window of time for me when our lives don’t permit a two-week trip in a foreign country soaking in a new and different culture. It is brief enough to not overwhelm my husband and not miss my babies terribly but long enough to feel some real reprieve. Between returning to work after 9 weeks of maternity leave rather than the usual 12 and how incredibly it has been with my other 3 kids, my book in the final stages of publication and a couple of unexpected life events, I needed more than just a few of hours to myself.

After getting off the phone with one of my girlfriends in July, Ricky noticed a spark in me. We spent 2 hours catching up and I was reminded of how much I thrive from our friendship. She beams with positive energy and there are not many people in this universe as thoughtful, worldly and as generous as she is. Not only that, but my girl retired at 32 year old! She is living her best life everyday. She’s a boss and that is the kind of inspiration that my spirit literally craves!

"I needed that,” I said to Ricky as a plopped down in the chair across from his with a wide smile. I explained how refreshing it was to speak to her. I couldn’t imagine how uplifting it would be when I actually had the time to see her.

“You should go see her then,” Ricky offered. We tossed around dates that were free and convenient. “Yeah, go and leave the kids.'“

I was surprised but this gesture was truly not that surprising coming from my husband. If you have been keeping up with my blog, you would not be surprised either. You may even expect this! I immediately felt like I had to make the situation more fair. We agreed I would take Zuri to Atlanta for 2 weekdays. That way, the other 3 would still go to daycare for most of the day. I texted her and booked the flight to Atlanta for one traveler and a lap infant.

As the date approached, Ricky kept insisting that I leave Zuri home and go enjoy myself. I kept making excuses like it would be easy. All it would be was putting Zuri in a carrier and going. Traveling with 1 non-mobile child seemed like a breeze these days. This way he could enjoy most of the day to himself while I was away, and anyways, it was the perfect opportunity for my friend to meet Zuri. Finally, the day before the trip, I agreed, packed a carry-on and took Zuri off the ticket when I checked in at the airport.

As soon as I had agreed to the solo trip, I reached out to my night nanny so she should could come to the house and help out earlier in the evening. Bedtime routine with 4 under 4 can get a little crazy!

Atlanta was magical! It had been a really long time since I visited an American city and felt this way about it. If I can help it, I always leave the country. Yet between spending time with one of my lifelong friends, Atlanta vibes and having no kids to worry about, the city was glowing and my endorphins were in overdrive! The southern hospitality charm, diversity and omnipresent art was irresistible. The murals and graffiti were vibrant. The messages painted across the city were important. The cocktails were sweet and the weather was perfect. As we walked the Atlanta BeltLine, taking breaks for a drink or a snack and admiring the neighborhood, there was one display along the trail that practically had me calling Ricky to see if he would consider moving to Atlanta. Tomorrow. Like perhaps, I just don’t take my return flight and he can meet me down here with the kids!

The Asian American Advocacy Fund collaborated with 30 local Asian-American artists in Atlanta to create a coloring book to empower children. Each letter of the alphabet represented something from Asian-American culture accompanied by a beautiful work of art, interesting history and motivational words. It was exactly what I wanted my family exposed to when we left home. My children will undoubtedly learn the ABCs. That is not a concern whatsoever, but what does concern me is how they view this world and how they view themselves in it. “N is for Not Your Model Minority,” spoke to me as I studied the exhibit. I spoke these exact 4 words with conviction during a performance in college. I couldn’t wait to take the kids to Atlanta.

I indulged in all of the routine activities. I took a long uninterrupted shower. I finished my coffee while it was still hot. I let myself simply wake up for the day. I exercised in the middle of the day. I browsed a boutique at my leisure. I read my book on the flight. On most days, I have forgotten what it feels like to be my own person. I need these reminders to be myself and love myself so I can continue to give myself fully to the most important people in my life. I need rest, I need inspiration, I need self-care, I need support. With a growing family, I may need it more often or in longer periods and in more meaningful ways. I am beyond lucky to have a partner that understands how I function. Ricky knows that in order for me to continually blossom, to be the mother and the WOMAN that I am meant to be, there must be space and there must be light.


If Not Me, Then Who?


My Side of the Mix: Celebrating Asian-American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month